In 2019 I graduated with a Distinction in Authorial Illustration, a Masters degree at Falmouth University. The course was very self led and sought to explore the role of illustrator as author and creator rather than simply one who responds to briefs.
My research took me into Heideggerian philosophy, Camus, Beckett, Wittgenstein and the exploration of the human condition. Alongside this I found my work and creativity completely reinvigorated as I learned to simply play again.
I produced two critical publications, one on the slowing down of time in sequential narratives and film, the author on the autographical self in comics. As I result I am looking at further research opportunities.
The discovery of the sequential narrative was a pot of gold moment. A genre that seemed to be perfect for me with the balance of words and image. After the exploratory newspaper, Thrown, I produced the 176 graphic narrative Afloat as my final project. I’m currently working on a similar project connected to mental health.